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Home / NEWS / Schneider fully explores the five core values ​​of AI at WAIC 2024

Schneider fully explores the five core values ​​of AI at WAIC 2024

Jul. 12 ,2024

At present, artificial intelligence (AI) is shifting from technology-oriented to value-oriented, triggering a dual explosion in market size and business value. Schneider Electric, a global leader in industrial technology, 

officially released its AI value proposition - AI for GREEN at the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC 2024), clearly outlining the all-round value system of AI in the business field and exploring the path

 of AI empowering industrial innovation and upgrading.

Zhang Kaipeng, senior vice president of Schneider Electric and head of global supply chain in China, Zhu Wenqin, senior vice president of Schneider Electric and head of key power business in China, Zhang Lei, vice

 president of Schneider Electric and head of digital innovation business in China, head of Schneider Electric (China) Software R&D Center, Gu Yue, vice president of Schneider Electric, head of marketing department 

in China and East Asia, and co-director of the Business Value Research Institute, and other guests attended the press conference.

The rapid development of AI technology is reshaping thousands of industries. Zhang Lei believes that the application of AI in the industry is changing from "+AI" to "AI+", and AI is the driving force, driving the sim

ultaneous evolution of existing technologies and AI. How to create unique core advantages through AI and generate actual business value has become the focus of enterprises.

Schneider Electric Business Value Research Institute believes that enterprises' expectations for AI value are changing from single to three-dimensional, forming three significant trends: first, from only focusing on the

mmercial benefits of AI to paying more and more attention to the value of social environment; second, the value orientation has changed from macro decision-making to micro individuals, paying more attention to

 how AI affects and optimizes the experience of each user; third, from pursuing short-term rapid growth brought by AI to paying more attention to long-term value leaps. Zhu Wenqin said that taking data centers as 

an example, AI has a profound impact on the construction and development of data centers. Future data centers need to have a more ambitious vision and more comprehensive value considerations. Sustainability, 

efficiency, resilience and adaptability have become the key to future development.

Based on this, Schneider Electric Business Value Research Institute proposed AI value proposition - AI for GREEN, believing that enterprises can achieve five major values through the application of AI technology: "G"

 stands for business value growth (Growth), AI technology promotes the rapid growth of business value, creating unprecedented opportunities and returns for enterprises; "R" stands for reliability and resilience (Relia

bility), AI technology improves the reliability and resilience of industrial manufacturing and energy management, and brings stable automation to a new height; "E" stands for efficiency and satisfaction (Efficiency), AI 

condenses industry experience, excellent operation, and brings unprecedented efficiency and satisfaction; "E" stands for sustainable development (Environment), AI technology improves the utilization efficiency of 

energy and resources, reduces waste and emissions, and helps enterprises achieve sustainable development; "N" stands for a new business model (New Horizon), AI can not only simplify the existing product develo

pment process, but also subvert the traditional business model and create a new way of business operation.

AI can only truly play multiple values with the blessing of "scenario". Zhang Kaipeng believes that the application scenarios of AI are becoming more and more common, running through R&D design, production and

 manufacturing to operation and maintenance management, and are a very critical part of the factory's upgrade from digitalization to intelligence. It is reported that Schneider Electric Business Value Institute will soon 

release an AI insight report, focusing on the development trends and innovative applications of AI in the industrial and energy fields. Gu Yue said: "As the integration of AI and industry deepens and the application 

scenarios continue to enrich, the comprehensive value brought to enterprises will increase significantly. Schneider Electric will pay close attention to the cutting-edge trends of AI, combine business practices, and

 provide practical and innovative solutions to enable efficient and sustainable development of the industry."

Schneider fully explores the five core values of AI at WAIC 2024