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Home / Products / other / RPC400 KONGSBERG




Model number:RPC400  


Warranty: 12 months

Lead Time:3-day working day   

Country of origin: USA Price: Please contact us         

Product weight:0.090kg

Shipping Port:  China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account

Service: Professional Sales provides 24 hours /7 days online service

RPC400   KONGSBERG   Processor module


Products Name: RPC400 KONGSBERG


COM 0 and COM1 are pr ogrammable for baud rates

between 110 and 38400. (W hen you refer to the baud

rate tables, the cpu clock is 19.6608 Mhz.) Other

programming capability include data length at 7 or 8

bits, 1 or 2 stop bits, and none, even or odd parity.



The CM ON BIOS initializes COM0 on pow er up or

reset and auto-run is not selected. It is a good idea to

initialize COM 0 in your prog ram if you intend to use

this port during run time. T he problem is when you

auto-run your program after a power up, COM 0 won' t

get initialized. Initialized settings are not changed on a

push button r eset.

COM0 is normally used as a debugging port. However,

during run time it may be used as any other serial port

provided you do not use the GD B debugger. You must

use HINT or the device you intend to connect to COM 0. 

You may use the GD B debugger if you don' t care about

any output from COM 0.

All of the demonstration programs use either C OM0 or

COM 1. Initialization routines for COM1 ar e in the

400IO sub-directory and file. The 400IO.C file also has

general purpose get and put character and string


RTS and CTS Lines

CTS and RTS lines are u sed for ha rdwa re flow control.

The SH-1 processor does not have these lines as part of

its UART. They are brought out digital ports on the

CPU where its function may be emulated.

Names for C TS and RTS lines is a source of confusion. 

Normally, CTS is an output from a PC. On the RPC-

400, CTS is an input on COM0 and an output on CO M1-

COM 3. Conversely, CTS is a PC input while it is an

output on COM 0. T he discussion that follows will use

the PC convention. Keep in m ind that the names and

functions are reversed on CO M0 only.

RTS is used by a receiver to indicate if "OK to send". A

high level at the connector indicates yes, ' send data'

while a low level indicates ' hold off' . T his line goes to

a sender CTS pin to signal conditions stated above.

The CTS input line on COM1 and RTS input on COM0

have a 4. 7K ohm p ull up to + 5V at the co nnector. T his

is to enable communication if this line was missing on

the external device.

CTS works nicely as a hardware hold-off. It can

generate an interrupt when it goes high and there are

charac ters to tra nsmit. Howe ver, when C TS chec king is

operated in polled mode, the line must be checked every

time a character is transmitted. Should the receiver

signal "h old off" , the progr am m ust wait further until

CTS goes back high.


Shipping Port: China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account

Service: Professional Sales provides 24 hours /7 days online service

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