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Home / Products / Schneider / 170AAO12000 SCHNEIDER


Brand: Schneider

Model number:170AAO12000 


Warranty: 12 months

Lead Time:3-day working day   

Country of origin: USA Price: Please contact us         

Product weight:0.40kg

Shipping Port:  China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account

Service: Professional Sales provides 24 hours /7 days online service

170AAO12000    SCHNEIDER


Products Name: 170AAO12000 SCHNEIDER


Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) can be an intermittent condition. Improperly shielded installations can provide good control for a while and then cause problems. For this reason it is important to be sure all shields are properly installed.


MiCOM P125/P126 & P127 Page 21/96 

Ien = 1A, the internal relay setting value will be equal to 20 x 1 = 20W. 

To set the thresholds for the Pe (Wattmetric/IeCos) protection the relay will display the menu 

“Wattmetric Protection \ Pe>” (refer to P12y/EN FT section). 

The same procedure is to be applied for setting the second Pe>> threshold. 

For the settings of the trip delay time see the FT chapter of the TG) 

2.4.4 Application Considerations 

The protection Pe> and Pe>> require relay current and voltage connections to be actived. 

The measurement of the Pe depends on the voltage wiring of the relay. 

In case of 3Vpn wiring the Ve will be equal to Ve= 1/3(Va+VB+VC) in the other insertions 

way the applied voltage to the relay is directly used to calculate the Pe. 

Referring to the relevant application diagram for the P125, P126 and P127 relays, it should 

be installed such that its direction for forward operation is 'looking into' the protected feeder 

i.e. away from the busbar, with the appropriate RCA . 

Resistance earthed systems 180° 

Insulated systems 270° 

Petersen Coil system 200° 

Transmission Systems (solidly earthed) 90°-120° 

As illustrated in the relay application diagram, it is usual for the earth fault element to be 

driven from a core balance current transformer. This eliminates the possibility of spill current 

that may arise from slight mismatches between residually connected line CTs. It also 

enables a much lower CT ratio to be applied, thereby allowing the required protection 

sensitivity to be more easily achieved. 

2.4.5 Iecos protection 

The Iecos protection follows the same concepts of the Pe protection. 

The difference is that the thresholds take in account the active component of the earth fault 


The setting of the RCA follows the above listed table. 

2.4.6 Where use Iecos and where use Pe. 

The wattmetric protection Pe/Iecos is almost used in the Petersen Coil systems. 

In a Petersen Coil scheme during a fault we have a resistive current and an inductive 


The resistive current is constant because the residual voltage is always present; the 

inductive current is the summation of the capacitive contribution of the healthy line and the 

reactive contribution of the fault line. 

In this situation is difficult to discriminate the line and detect the fault current value because 

the capacitive and reactive are of opposite sign. 

Since the residual voltage is present to the parallel between the coil and resistance a 

wattmetric protection is used to be sure to open the fault line. 

The unique resistive present component depends on the fault line. 

The discriminative for the using of Pe or Iecos protection is the fault current value and the 

relative fault operating boundary. 

In some applications, the residual current on the healthy feeder can lie just inside the 

operating boundary following a fault condition. The residual current for the faulted feeder lies 

close to the operating boundary

170AAO12000    SCHNEIDER

Shipping Port: Xiamen, China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account

Service: Professional Sales provides 24 hours /7 days online service


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