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Fenoux Electric Co., Ltd.
Home / Products / Schneider / AM-S908-000 SCHNEIDER


Brand: Schneider

Model number:  AM-S908-000


Warranty: 12 months

Lead Time:3-day working day   

Country of origin: USA Price: Please contact us         

Product weight:0.40kg

Shipping Port:  China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account

Service: Professional Sales provides 24 hours /7 days online service

AM-S908-000   SCHNEIDER    Input module


Products Name: AM-S908-000 SCHNEIDER


When setting the relay characteristic/torque angle for the three phase directional overcurrent element, a positive angle setting was specified. This was due to the fact that we consider as polarising voltage, the phase voltage value in quadrature of the current under fault conditions. With directional earth fault protection, the residual current under fault conditions lies at an angle lagging the polarising residual earth fault voltage.


Supported RADIUS servers

FreeRADIUS and Microsoft IAS 2003 are supported. Other commonly available RADIUS applications may 

work but have not been fully tested.

Configure firewalls 

Path: Configuration > Security > Firewall > Configuration 

Enable or disable the firewall functionality. The configured policy is listed by default. Select the Enable check 

box to enable the firewall. The check box is un-checked by default. 

• Click Apply to confirm a firewall policy you have selected to enable. The Firewall Confirmation

page will open.

– The Confirmation page contains a recommendation to test the firewall before enabling. It is not 


– The first hyperlink goes to the Firewall Policy page.

– The second hyperlink goes to the Firewall Test page.

– Click on Apply to enable the firewall and return to the Configuration page.

– Click on Cancel to return to the Configuration page without enabling the Firewall.

• Click Cancel: No new selection will be enabled. You stay on the Configuration page.

Path: Configuration > Security > Firewall > Active Policy

Select an active policy from the Available Policies drop-down list, and view the validity of that policy.

The current active policy is displayed by default; you can select another from the list.

• Click Apply to enable your changes. If a different firewall was selected and enabled, the change 

is effective immediately. If a newly configured firewall policy has been selected, it is 

recommended that you test the new firewall before enabling it. (See Configuration above.)

• Click Cancel to restore the original active policy and stay on the Active Policy page.

Path: Configuration > Security > Firewall > Active Rules

When a firewall is enabled, this read-only page lists the individual rules that are being enforced by a current 

active policy. See the Create/Edit Policy section for descriptions of the fields (Priority, Destination, Source, 

Protocol, Action, and Log).

Path: Configuration > Security > Firewall > Create/Edit Policy

Create a new policy; delete or edit an existing policy: 

NOTE: While deleting an active enabled firewall policy cannot be done, editing a running policy can be done 

but is not recommended as changes are applied immediately. Instead, disable the firewall, edit the policy, test 

it, and then re-enable the policy.

Create a new policy: Click Add Policy, and type in the file name for the new firewall file. The filename should 

have a .fwl file extension. If left without a file extension, .fwl will be appended to the name automatically.

• Click Apply: If the filename is legal, the empty file firewall policy file will be created. It will be 

located in the /fwl folder with the other policies on the system.

• Click Cancel to return to the previous page without creating a new firewall file.

AS-8534-000   SCHNEIDER

Shipping Port: Xiamen, China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account

Service: Professional Sales provides 24 hours /7 days online service


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