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Fenoux Electric Co., Ltd.
Home / Products / Schneider / LC1-D0901 SCHNEIDER


Brand: Schneider

Model number:  LC1-D0901


Warranty: 12 months

Lead Time:3-day working day   

Country of origin: USA Price: Please contact us         

Product weight:0.40kg

Shipping Port:  China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account

Service: Professional Sales provides 24 hours /7 days online service

LC1-D0901   SCHNEIDER    Power module


Products Name: LC1-D0901 SCHNEIDER


The TAC Stainless Plate temperature sensors aremounted on the back of a 1 Gang stainless steelplate. The foam pad will insulate the sensor from any drafts in the wall. (2) 6/32” x 1” machine screws are provided for junction box mounting. Be sure that the sensor is not mounted on an outside wall, due to the extreme temperature changes from either drafts or heat transfer.


Name Contains the name of the controller. You can enter any name you wish 

in this field up to a maximum of 16 characters. Spaces between name 

segments are not permitted. 

Controller device names must be unique across a network

Description Enter a description of the controller up to 32 characters in length 


ACCNet ID Identifies each controller on an Andover Continuum network by a 

unique number between 1 and 190. Each controller must have a unique 

ID on its particular network. 

IP Address A logical 32-bit address that identifies a TCP/IP host. Each controller 

requires a unique IP address. Each address has two parts: a network 

ID, which identifies all hosts on the same physical network, and a host 

ID, which identifies a host on the network. 

Subnet Mask Subnets divide a large network into multiple physical networks 

connected with routers. A subnet mask blocks out part of the IP 

address so that TCP/IP can distinguish the network ID from the host 

ID. When TCP/IP hosts try to communicate, the subnet mask 

determines whether the destination host is on a local or remote 


To communicate within a local network, computers and controllers 

must have the same subnet mask. 

Gateway Address The Gateway is the intermediate device on a local network that stores 

network IDs of other networks in the enterprise or on the Internet. To 

communicate with a host of another network, configure an IP address 

for the default Gateway. TCP/IP sends packets for remote networks to 

the default gateway (if no other route is configured), which forwards 

the packets to other gateways until the packet is delivered to a 

gateway connected to the specific destination. 

If you are using a proxy server, you must define a default router here. 

Probe Time Displays the time, in seconds, between controller probes. 

A probe is a message that the device sends out to its controllers to 

check their COMM status. Controllers respond to probe messages to let 

the device know they are online. When a device does not receive a 

response from a controller, it changes the controller's COMM status to 


Web Server Port The standard port for Web communications. The default setting is 80. 

The Web Server Port can be set to any number from 1 to 65,534. If 

changed, browser requests must specify the port number in the URL, 

for example, http://<IP Address>:<Web Server Port>.


Shipping Port: Xiamen, China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account

Service: Professional Sales provides 24 hours /7 days online service


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