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Home / Products / Schneider / TSX07301028 SCHNEIDER


Brand: Schneider

Model number:   TSX07301028


Warranty: 12 months

Lead Time:3-day working day   

Country of origin: USA Price: Please contact us         

Product weight:0.40kg

Shipping Port:  China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account

Service: Professional Sales provides 24 hours /7 days online service

TSX07301028   SCHNEIDER   Central control module


Products Name: TSX07301028 SCHNEIDER


Synchronous motors tolerate only extremely short interruptions of supply without loss of synchronism. In practice, the dead time should be sufficient to allow the motor no-volt device to operate. Typically, a minimum dead time of 0.2-0.3 seconds is recommended.


Front Panel Screens

The front panel LCD Display automatically rotates between 4 monitor screens. You can move through these 

screens manually by pressing Home or Down , or go to the Main Menu by pressing Select .

Monitor Screens

Load Status (color): View the total ATS load in amps. A status symbol next to the total load indicates the 

status of the ATS (see “Device status icons” on page 64). Meters show the load for the ATS (T) and for 

individual banks (1, 2).The placement of the vertical line on colored meters indicates the current load status:

• green = normal

• yellow = near overload

• red = overload

NOTE: If a low load threshold was configured, meters will also include a blue segment to indicate low load.

Source Status: View power measurements for both sources. The active power source is green, and the 

preferred source has a checked box next to it. When alarms happen, an Alarm Status bar will appear across 

the top of this screen.

Load Status (no color): Meters indicate the amount of available load being used in the ATS (T) and in 

individual banks (1, 2). The total load is also listed in Amperes (A). A status symbol next to the total load 

indicates the status of the ATS (see “Device status icons” on page 64).

Preferred Source: The preferred power source is green, and the secondary source is black. When alarms 

happen, an Alarm Status bar will appear across the top of the screen.

Menu Screens

When alarms are present, an Alarm Status bar will appear across the top of all menu screens. After 30 

seconds without activity, the LCD display will revert to the main Monitor Screens.

Feed Info: Select Feed A or B to view available power for each power source. Select Preferred Source to 

view ATS Preference settings (the preferred source will be green).

Network: View IPv4 address, press Down once to view the IPv6 address, or press Down twice to view 

the MAC address.

Software Info: View the installed versions of AOS, APP, and ATS Controller.

SKU/Serial#: View the SKU number and serial number for your Rack ATS.

Alarm Status: View the number of each kind of alarm. If a down arrow is present at the bottom of the screen, 

press Down for more detail. Otherwise, press Down to refresh the screen. If an alarm has been cleared 

and no alarms are present, the Alarm Status screen will say “All Alarms Cleared”.


Shipping Port: Xiamen, China

Payment: Bank of Chicago, Bank of Singapore

Express cooperation: fedex, DHL, UPS and your express account

Service: Professional Sales provides 24 hours /7 days online service


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